The same year Ricky Schroder appeared alongside his family on the Hallmark Movie Channel, he had some less-than-wholesome press. He was allegedly involved in an altercation at LAX, where an airport worker claimed she was assaulted by the actor over baggage limits. Hey, LAX can be infuriating, but how about complaining on Twitter instead of throwing your hands?

According to TMZ, the airport worker claimed she was "checking boarding passes" when the Silver Spoons actor tried to get through security with three bags. The limit was two, and where most of us would just wear some extra sweaters, complain, and pair down our luggage, Schroder apparently "slapped her hand" as she went to read his boarding pass.

Schroder's perspective of the incident appears to be the exact opposite. While he might have accidentally hit her hand, his lawyer claimed it was only because he was lunging to grab the phone that she slapped out of his hand. When he fumbled for it, she reportedly started screaming, "Assault!" Police showed up at the scene, no arrests were made, no reports were filed, and witnesses allegedly could corroborate Schroder's claims. The actor later told TMZ that the incident was a "complete misunderstanding." As he said, "I apologize to you, Miss, if I hurt your feelings and I didn't mean to."
