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Anthony Smith may not have a belt, but he’s a champion in his own household.

The UFC fighter Sunday morning stopped an intruder named Luke Haberman, who was arrested and charged with first-degree criminal trespass, ESPN reported.

Smith told the network he woke up to a man in his Nebraska home, yelling “at the top to his lungs,” and fought him for several minutes until police arrived on the scene. Nothing was stolen and Smith’s family members – his wife, mother-in-law and three daughters – were not hurt.

“I didn’t know what he had,” Smith said. “Typically, people don’t break into your house in the middle of the night for any good reasons. I’m expecting that I’m gonna hear a gunshot or he’s gonna stab me. Like he’s got something. I figure I’ve got about two minutes before whatever he’s got takes me out.”

Smith spotted Haberman in his computer room and the two began fighting. Despite having several pounds on him, it was a struggle.

“No normal human is able to fight like that,” Smith said. “I’m by no means the baddest dude on the planet. But he’s a regular Joe and I had a hard time dealing with him. And he took everything that I gave him — every punch, every knee, every elbow. He took every single one of them and kept fighting me.”

Smith’s mother-in-law brought him a kitchen knife during the fight, but it wasn’t until police arrived that Haberman was subdued. As he left the home, Haberman told Smith, “hey, man, I’m sorry.” Haberman was given a citation and sent to the hospital. He has a yet-to-be-announced court date.

“I’m not lying when I said it was one of the toughest fights I’ve had in my whole life,” Smith said. “I went into that fight ready to die. Nobody smart breaks into a house in the middle of the night unarmed. … When they break in at night, it’s to hurt people.”

The incident comes just a few weeks before Smith is scheduled to fight Glover Teixeira in the main event of UFC Lincoln on Apr. 25 in Nebraska. It is expected to be moved due to the coronavirus pandemic. He still plans on competing in the event.

“You always just think you’re such a badass,” Smith said. “I just don’t feel like one. I feel … insufficient a little bit. I didn’t know it was possible to be that terrified.”
