"Did the Chicago Bean Melt?" refers to a viral social media hoax that spread in July 2019, claiming that the iconic Cloud Gate sculpture in Chicago, Illinois, had melted due to a heat wave. The sculpture, nicknamed "The Bean" for its bean-like shape, is made of stainless steel and is designed to withstand extreme temperatures, so it did not actually melt.

The hoax originated from a satirical article published by The Onion, a well-known satirical news website. The article, titled "Chicago's 'The Bean' Sculpture Melts in Record-Breaking Heat Wave," used humor and exaggeration to poke fun at the city's hot and humid summers. However, some people mistook the article for real news and began spreading the rumor that The Bean had actually melted.

The rumor quickly gained traction on social media, with many people posting photos and videos of The Bean that they claimed showed it melting. However, these photos and videos were either doctored or taken from different angles that made it appear as if The Bean was melting.

The Chicago Park District, which manages The Bean, quickly issued a statement denying the rumors and confirming that the sculpture was not damaged. The hoax was eventually debunked by several news outlets, and the rumor died down.

Did the Chicago Bean Melt?

The viral hoax that the Chicago Bean melted in 2019 highlights several key aspects:

  • Social media: The hoax spread rapidly on social media platforms.
  • Fake news: The hoax originated from a satirical news article that was mistaken for real news.
  • Misinformation: False information about the Bean melting was widely shared.
  • Debunking: News outlets and the Chicago Park District debunked the hoax.
  • Public awareness: The hoax raised awareness about the importance of verifying information before sharing it.
  • Media literacy: The hoax highlighted the need for media literacy to identify and avoid misinformation.
  • Public trust: The hoax eroded public trust in news and information sources.
  • Resilience: The Chicago Bean remained undamaged and became a symbol of resilience.
  • Humor: The original satirical article used humor to poke fun at Chicago's hot summers.

These aspects underscore the power of social media to spread both accurate and false information, the importance of critical thinking and media literacy, and the resilience of public landmarks in the face of hoaxes and misinformation.

Social media

The viral hoax that the Chicago Bean melted in 2019 highlights the profound impact of social media in rapidly disseminating information, both accurate and false. Social media platforms provide a fertile ground for the spread of hoaxes due to several factors:

  • Ease of sharing: Social media makes it incredibly easy to share information with just a few clicks. This ease of sharing can contribute to the rapid spread of hoaxes, as people may share information without verifying its accuracy.
  • Limited gatekeeping: Traditional media outlets have gatekeepers, such as editors and fact-checkers, who review information before it is published. Social media platforms have far less gatekeeping, which means that false information can spread more easily.
  • Confirmation bias: People are more likely to share information that confirms their existing beliefs. This confirmation bias can contribute to the spread of hoaxes, as people are more likely to share information that aligns with their worldview.

The Chicago Bean hoax is a case study in how social media can contribute to the spread of misinformation. The hoax originated from a satirical news article that was mistaken for real news. This false information was then rapidly shared on social media platforms, reaching a wide audience before it could be debunked.

The Chicago Bean hoax underscores the importance of critical thinking and media literacy in the age of social media. It is essential to be able to evaluate the accuracy of information before sharing it, and to be aware of the potential for misinformation to spread rapidly on social media.

Fake news

The viral hoax that the Chicago Bean melted in 2019 originated from a satirical news article published by The Onion, a well-known satirical news website. The article, titled "Chicago's 'The Bean' Sculpture Melts in Record-Breaking Heat Wave," used humor and exaggeration to poke fun at the city's hot and humid summers. However, some people mistook the article for real news and began spreading the rumor that The Bean had actually melted.

  • Satire and Misinformation: Satire is a form of humor that uses exaggeration and irony to criticize or make fun of a particular topic. In the case of The Onion article, the satire was intended to poke fun at Chicago's hot summers. However, some people mistook the satire for real news, which highlights the potential for satire to be misinterpreted as factual information.
  • Media Literacy and Fake News: The spread of the Chicago Bean hoax underscores the importance of media literacy in the digital age. Media literacy is the ability to understand and evaluate the information that we encounter in the media. It is essential to be able to identify satire and other forms of misinformation in order to avoid being misled.
  • The Role of Social Media: Social media played a significant role in the spread of the Chicago Bean hoax. The hoax originated on social media and was quickly shared by many people who did not realize that it was satire. This highlights the potential for social media to be used to spread misinformation.
  • The Importance of Fact-Checking: The Chicago Bean hoax is a reminder of the importance of fact-checking before sharing information. It is always a good idea to check the source of information and to be skeptical of claims that seem too good to be true.

The Chicago Bean hoax is a case study in how fake news can spread rapidly in the digital age. It is important to be aware of the potential for misinformation and to be able to identify and avoid it.


The widespread sharing of false information about the Bean melting is a key component of the "did the Chicago Bean melt" phenomenon. Misinformation can have a significant impact on public perception and can lead to confusion and distrust.

In the case of the Chicago Bean hoax, false information was spread through social media and other channels. This misinformation included doctored photos and videos that made it appear as if the Bean was melting, as well as false claims that the Bean had actually been damaged. This misinformation was widely shared and contributed to the spread of the hoax.

The spread of misinformation about the Chicago Bean hoax highlights the importance of media literacy and critical thinking. It is important to be able to evaluate the accuracy of information before sharing it, and to be aware of the potential for misinformation to spread rapidly in the digital age.

There are several challenges associated with addressing misinformation. One challenge is that misinformation can spread rapidly and reach a wide audience before it can be corrected. Another challenge is that people are often more likely to share information that confirms their existing beliefs, even if that information is false. This confirmation bias can make it difficult to combat misinformation.

Despite the challenges, there are several things that can be done to address misinformation. One important step is to promote media literacy and critical thinking skills. This can help people to evaluate the accuracy of information before sharing it. Another important step is to support independent journalism. Independent journalists can play a vital role in fact-checking and debunking misinformation.

Addressing misinformation is a complex challenge, but it is essential to ensure that the public has access to accurate information. By promoting media literacy, supporting independent journalism, and being critical of the information we consume, we can help to combat misinformation and promote a more informed society.


The debunking of the Chicago Bean melting hoax highlights the important role that news outlets and official sources play in combating misinformation and providing accurate information to the public.

  • Role of News Outlets: News outlets play a crucial role in debunking hoaxes and providing accurate information to the public. In the case of the Chicago Bean hoax, several news outlets quickly published articles and fact-checks debunking the rumor that the Bean had melted. These articles provided evidence and expert opinions to show that the Bean was not damaged, and they helped to stop the spread of the hoax.
  • Role of Official Sources: Official sources, such as government agencies and public officials, also play an important role in debunking hoaxes and providing accurate information. In the case of the Chicago Bean hoax, the Chicago Park District, which manages the Bean, quickly issued a statement denying the rumors and confirming that the sculpture was not damaged. This statement from an official source helped to reassure the public that the Bean was safe.
  • Importance of Accuracy: The debunking of the Chicago Bean hoax underscores the importance of accuracy in journalism and public communication. News outlets and official sources have a responsibility to provide accurate information to the public, and they must be held accountable for spreading false or misleading information.
  • Combating Misinformation: The debunking of the Chicago Bean hoax is a positive example of how news outlets and official sources can work together to combat misinformation and provide accurate information to the public. This collaboration is essential to ensure that the public has access to reliable information and is not misled by hoaxes and rumors.

The Chicago Bean hoax is a reminder that misinformation can spread quickly and easily, but it also shows that news outlets and official sources can play a vital role in debunking hoaxes and providing accurate information to the public. By working together, news outlets and official sources can help to ensure that the public has access to the information they need to make informed decisions.

Public awareness

The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax highlighted the importance of verifying information before sharing it. The hoax originated from a satirical news article that was mistaken for real news, and it quickly spread on social media. This highlights the need for people to be more critical of the information they encounter online, and to be aware of the potential for misinformation to spread rapidly.

  • Confirmation bias: Confirmation bias is the tendency for people to seek out and share information that confirms their existing beliefs. This can make it difficult for people to evaluate information objectively and to be open to new ideas. In the case of the Chicago Bean hoax, many people were quick to share information that supported their belief that the Bean had melted, even though this information was false.
  • Echo chambers: Echo chambers are online spaces where people are only exposed to information that confirms their existing beliefs. This can lead to people becoming more polarized and less likely to consider alternative viewpoints. In the case of the Chicago Bean hoax, many people were exposed to false information about the Bean melting only because they were in echo chambers where this information was being shared.
  • Fake news: Fake news is intentionally false or misleading information that is presented as news. Fake news can spread rapidly online, and it can be difficult for people to identify it as false. In the case of the Chicago Bean hoax, the false information about the Bean melting was spread through fake news articles and social media posts.
  • Media literacy: Media literacy is the ability to understand and evaluate the information that we encounter in the media. It is essential for people to have media literacy skills in order to be able to identify misinformation and to make informed decisions about the information they consume. In the case of the Chicago Bean hoax, many people lacked the media literacy skills necessary to identify the false information about the Bean melting.

The Chicago Bean hoax is a reminder that it is important to be critical of the information we encounter online, and to be aware of the potential for misinformation to spread rapidly. By being more media literate, we can help to combat misinformation and make more informed decisions about the information we consume.

Media literacy

The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax underscores the critical importance of media literacy in today's digital age. Media literacy encompasses the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media messages. It empowers individuals to make informed judgments about the information they consume and to navigate the media landscape effectively.

In the case of the Chicago Bean hoax, a satirical news article that falsely claimed the sculpture had melted due to a heatwave was widely shared on social media. Many individuals, lacking the necessary media literacy skills, mistook the article as factual and spread the misinformation further. This incident highlights the need for individuals to be able to critically evaluate information, identify potential biases, and verify its accuracy before sharing it.

Media literacy education plays a crucial role in developing these skills. It equips individuals with the tools to decode different types of media messages, understand the intentions behind them, and make informed decisions about the information they encounter. By fostering media literacy, we can empower people to navigate the complex media landscape, resist misinformation, and contribute to a more informed and engaged society.

Public trust

The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax significantly eroded public trust in news and information sources. This incident highlights the importance of trust in media institutions and the consequences that can arise when that trust is broken.

  • Misinformation and Misinformation Fatigue: The hoax contributed to a growing sense of distrust among the public, who became increasingly skeptical of the accuracy and reliability of information they encountered. The constant bombardment of false and misleading information, often spread through social media, led to a decline in confidence in news organizations and other traditional sources of information.
  • Sensationalism and Clickbait: The hoax also raised concerns about the role of sensationalism and clickbait in eroding public trust. Some media outlets prioritized attention-grabbing headlines and exaggerated claims over factual accuracy, further undermining the public's faith in their reporting.
  • Partisan Polarization: The hoax exacerbated existing partisan divisions, as individuals selectively trusted information sources that aligned with their political views. This polarization made it difficult for the public to find common ground and hindered constructive dialogue on important issues.
  • Need for Media Literacy: The hoax highlighted the urgent need for media literacy education. Equipping the public with the skills to critically evaluate information, identify biases, and verify the credibility of sources is essential to combating misinformation and restoring trust in news and information sources.

The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax serves as a cautionary tale about the fragility of public trust in news and information sources. It underscores the importance of ethical journalism, media literacy, and the need for individuals to be critical consumers of information in today's digital landscape.


The resilience of the Chicago Bean, despite the hoax claiming it had melted, serves as a powerful symbol of the city's strength and ability to withstand challenges. The Bean's unwavering presence in the face of false information highlights the importance of resilience in combating misinformation and promoting truth.

The hoax about the Bean melting spread rapidly, causing widespread concern and confusion. However, the Bean remained standing, a testament to its durability and the city's unwavering spirit. This resilience became a source of inspiration and pride for Chicagoans, who rallied around the Bean as a symbol of their city's ability to overcome adversity.

The resilience of the Bean also underscores the importance of verifying information and relying on credible sources. In an era of widespread misinformation, the Bean serves as a reminder to be critical of the information we encounter and to seek out the truth. By embracing resilience and critical thinking, we can combat misinformation and promote a more informed and resilient society.


The use of humor in the original satirical article played a significant role in the "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax and its subsequent impact.

Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule. The satirical article about the Chicago Bean melting was intended to poke fun at the city's notoriously hot summers. By using humor, the author was able to make a point about the city's climate in a way that was both entertaining and thought-provoking.

However, the humor in the article was also what led to the hoax. Many people who read the article did not understand that it was satire, and they mistook it for a real news story. This led to the spread of misinformation about the Bean melting, which caused widespread confusion and concern.

The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax highlights the importance of understanding the role of humor in satire. Satire is a powerful tool that can be used to criticize and comment on society. However, it is important to be able to recognize satire and to understand its purpose. Otherwise, it can be easy to mistake satire for real news, which can have serious consequences.

Frequently Asked Questions about "Did the Chicago Bean Melt?"

The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax has raised a number of questions and concerns. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:

Question 1: Did the Chicago Bean actually melt?

No, the Chicago Bean did not melt. The hoax originated from a satirical news article that was mistaken for real news.

Question 2: Why did the hoax spread so quickly?

The hoax spread quickly because many people mistook the satirical news article for real news. Additionally, the hoax was spread on social media, which can contribute to the rapid spread of misinformation.

Question 3: What is satire?

Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule. Satire is often used to criticize society or to make a point about a particular issue.

Question 4: Why is it important to be able to recognize satire?

It is important to be able to recognize satire so that you can avoid mistaking it for real news. Satire is often exaggerated and uses humor to make its point. If you are not able to recognize satire, you may be more likely to spread misinformation.

Question 5: What are some ways to verify information?

There are a number of ways to verify information. One way is to check the source of the information. If the source is not credible, then the information is more likely to be false. Another way to verify information is to look for multiple sources that report the same information. If multiple sources are reporting the same information, then it is more likely to be true.

Question 6: What can we learn from the "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax?

The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax can teach us a number of things. First, it can teach us the importance of being able to recognize satire. Second, it can teach us the importance of verifying information before sharing it. Finally, it can teach us the importance of being critical of the information we consume.

Summary: The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax was a reminder of the importance of media literacy. It is important to be able to recognize satire, verify information, and be critical of the information we consume.

Transition to the next article section: The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax also highlights the importance of resilience. The Bean remained standing, despite the hoax claiming it had melted, and became a symbol of the city's strength and ability to withstand challenges.

Tips for Avoiding Misinformation

The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax highlights the importance of media literacy and critical thinking skills. Here are some tips for avoiding misinformation:

Tip 1: Be aware of your biases. Everyone has biases, but it is important to be aware of them so that you can avoid letting them influence your judgment. Consider your own beliefs and values, and be open to considering other perspectives.

Tip 2: Check the source of information. When you encounter a piece of information, the first thing you should do is check the source. Is it a credible source? Is it known for accuracy and reliability? If not, you should be skeptical of the information.

Tip 3: Look for multiple sources. If you are unsure whether a piece of information is accurate, look for multiple sources that report the same information. If multiple sources are reporting the same thing, it is more likely to be true.

Tip 4: Be critical of the information you consume. Don't just accept information at face value. Ask yourself questions about the information. Is it logical? Does it make sense? Are there any inconsistencies? By being critical of the information you consume, you are less likely to fall for misinformation.

Tip 5: Share information responsibly. If you come across a piece of information that you think is important, be sure to share it responsibly. Make sure you verify the information before sharing it, and be mindful of the potential consequences of sharing it.

Summary: By following these tips, you can help avoid misinformation and promote a more informed society.

Transition to the article's conclusion: The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax is a reminder of the importance of media literacy and critical thinking skills. By being aware of our biases, checking the source of information, looking for multiple sources, being critical of the information we consume, and sharing information responsibly, we can help combat misinformation and promote a more informed society.


The "did the Chicago Bean melt" hoax has been a valuable learning experience for many, highlighting the importance of media literacy and critical thinking skills in today's digital age. The hoax reminds us that not everything we read or see online is true, and that it is important to be able to evaluate information before sharing it.

The hoax also underscores the importance of resilience. In the face of false information, it is important to remain critical and to seek out the truth. By doing so, we can help combat misinformation and promote a more informed society.
